Nearly two months since an update. I'm going to put that down to holiday time taking it's toll on my personal geek time. Sure. That's a good excuse.
I've been working on a web app for Android mostly in my spare time. It's a web scraping and data visualization project for... wait for it... Twitter. As if there aren't enough Twitter data apps I hear you say. Well, get ready for another one. Also since I'd like to get more experience in Java/Android development, I'm going to be releasing it on the Play Store. But more on that later.
For now, here's a link to an upload on GitHub I made last year.
I've been working on a web app for Android mostly in my spare time. It's a web scraping and data visualization project for... wait for it... Twitter. As if there aren't enough Twitter data apps I hear you say. Well, get ready for another one. Also since I'd like to get more experience in Java/Android development, I'm going to be releasing it on the Play Store. But more on that later.
For now, here's a link to an upload on GitHub I made last year.
It's a pretty simple python script that uses Pymysql for inserting data from an XLS file to two MYSQL tables, one which has a foreign key constraint to an auto-increment to a parent table.
This was designed for splitting a XLS template into several tables in MySQL. Each entry in the template was a spatial observation and the challenge was to upload the data whilst retaining the same ID for the points so that they could be queried later on from the database. Compounding this was that some observations were often missing and in some instances rows could be empty in either one or the other tables.
One excel sheet can be divided up into numerous SQL tables based on variable indexing. This includes initial table creation.
Empty rows in tables are cleaned up from the database however the indexes between the tables are not altered, ensuring that data can be retrieved.
One excel sheet can be divided up into numerous SQL tables based on variable indexing. This includes initial table creation.
Empty rows in tables are cleaned up from the database however the indexes between the tables are not altered, ensuring that data can be retrieved.
More at the link here.