I've been doing some Twitter API mining lately using the Tweepy module in python. There is something quite zen about watching the tsunami of real time time updates wizz past faster than you can read them. Real matrix stuff.. " blonde, brunette, redhead.. ".. I digress.
Using the twitter API is nothing new, but I've got some ideas about how to utilize the data with network graphs using the NetworkX module which is another awesome toolkit for implementing network graphs and exporting them as JSON or Gephi format.
While mucking around with figuring out how Twitter API data is returned, I came across this nice map of a Twitter Status Object and thought it deserved a post.
Using the twitter API is nothing new, but I've got some ideas about how to utilize the data with network graphs using the NetworkX module which is another awesome toolkit for implementing network graphs and exporting them as JSON or Gephi format.
While mucking around with figuring out how Twitter API data is returned, I came across this nice map of a Twitter Status Object and thought it deserved a post.